October 2019

That’s what I AM talking about pt. 2

The contrast between Law & Grace: Peter and John

That’s what I AM talking about

We must respond to the Word with obedience regardless of what the circumstance is.

August 2019

The cut corners of destiny

In life you can’t cut corners to get ahead, so to in our walk with God. We must stay in the process to produce the desired fruit of God.

June 2019

The Lord is my Shepherd

Our heavenly Father is our divine helper, provider and a true Shepherd.

Do you hear the sound?

Can you hear the sound that is coming from heaven? It is time to clear the distortion in the atmosphere.

May 2019

Being Intentional

We must be intentional with our walk in God.

Watch your mouth

Watch your words and watch your mouth, what you say out of anger and disappointment will create such a negative atmosphere.

From the valley of Myrtles to a Star of Hope

Hadassah was brought up through adversity, to become a star of hope for the people.


Allow the Lord into the areas of hurt and shame and surrender it all.

April 2019

How am I honoring God?

The level of honor will determine the level of outpouring from God.